Monday, March 19, 2012

The Most Logical Canvas for Breast Cancer Awareness

Marketers are forever searching for a new medium to cut through the clutter and get their message heard. Faced with the challenge of creating awareness for Toronto’s Rethink Breast Cancer’s annual fundraising event, on budget of next to zero, C+B Toronto figured they'd use a fitting medium that’s relevant and attention getting: women's breasts.

Hiring women (who were actual breast cancer survivors) to hit the streets of Toronto (where toplessness is legal – note guys – a reason to consider moving to Toronto) with headlines promoting the event painted on their chests, the campaign created buzz, attention, and was deemed hugely successful by Rethink Breast Cancer.

And, as always with these type of “buzz” efforts, a little luck is always helpful. Deal or No Deal comedian Howie Mandel happened by, had his picture taken, then Tweeted about it.
Regarding the fundraising event Mandel said “Well, now I’m aware of it. My wife was looking for a sale — and I found half off!”

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