As marketers, we are always looking for ways to unlevel the playing field for the benefit of our clients – how can we break the rules for our client’s benefit?
This ad Herman Cain's campaign last fall breaks all the rules, but does it do so in a way that benefits Cain?
The ad features campaign manager Mark Block taking a deep drag on a cigarette while Cain flashes a slow motion, almost demonic grin. Is Cain endorsing smoking? Is he trying to reach out to a new demographic?
Smoking has become taboo in any type of advertising, certainly in political advertising. What does Cain seek to accomplish by breaking this rule?
Perhaps it was just for the publicity. The ad has had over 1 million clicks on Cain's website since its debut last week. It's also aired repeatedly on cable news shows. For a low cost production, Cain has earned millions of dollars worth of notice.
So, the ad has been a success going viral and earning millions of dollars of no-cost media attention – but will raise his standings and help him get elected? Is this the right way to break the rules?
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